Communications Committee
Ryanne Bush Dent
Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
Elisa Taccogna
Mecho - Springs Window Fashions
Board Liaison
Kelly M. Greco
The Communications Committee is responsible for all forms of communication between CREW Chicago and the general public. Our dynamic committee interfaces with all CREW Chicago committees to positively impact the commercial real estate industry by advancing the power and success of women. The Communications Committee designs and puts out advertisements, develops and maintains content for the CREW Chicago website, email “e-blasts”, and social media accounts. We work with members of the media to promote CREW Chicago and document all of our great events by posting professional photography and summaries of each event to the CREW Chicago website. Working with the Communications Committee would allow you a chance to interface with multiple other committees and to specialize in one or more areas of communication, or try some of each!
The Communications Committee meets at noon on the second Thursday of the month at various locations around the loop, and also has a call-in number for those who cannot attend in person. Please contact the chair or co-chairs if you are interested in learning more about the Communications Committee and what we do or email the team at
Frequently Asked Questions
When do E-blasts go out?
To avoid saturating members with emails, CREW will organize communication to send out one e-blast every week, normally on Thursdays. The e-blasts will update members on programs, upcoming events and other CREW business.
What is the content of the E-blasts?
The e-blasts will update members on programs, upcoming events and other CREW business.
How do I find the current E-blast schedule?
The current E-blast schedule can be found on the Governance page here.
How do I get an event added to an E-blast?
All event dates must be preapproved prior to an Event Information Form being requested. You can do that by following the instructions HERE.
Can a non-CREW event be included in an E-blast?
Yes, if (i) CREW is a co-sponsor or (ii) CREW members are being offered a benefit not offered to other registrants (such as discounted registration fees) and such event is consistent with CREW’s mission.
News & Events
How do I get a write-up from my event posted on the CREW Chicago website?
Send to your Commination liaison or the Communications Chair and/or Co-chair.
Who arranges for photography at CREW Chicago events?
The Communications Committee will coordinate the hiring of a professional photographer for all Revenue-Generating Events and Fundraising Events.
How are CREW Network events and news items publicized locally by CREW Chicago?
A summary of CREW events can be found on the website under News & Resources. In addition, most CREW event summaries are submitted to local CRE publications as a press release.
Outside Advertising
What kind of advertising is permitted for CREW Chicago sponsors?
For advertising opportunities for CREW Chicago sponsors, please contact the Sponsorship Committee.
Can a company that is not a CREW sponsor advertise at a CREW Chicago event?
Yes, there are select opportunities (luncheon sponsor, annual leadership dinner, golf, LCFF, etc.) for companies to sponsor CREW Chicago events even if the company is not a sponsor of CREW Chicago. For these opportunities, please contact the Sponsorship Committee.
What kinds of partnerships and outreach does CREW Chicago do with other organizations in the CRE industry?
CREW Chicago seeks to make a lasting, positive impact on our local community, far beyond the commercial real estate industry. CREW Chicago members contribute their time and effort to our collective philanthropic efforts. Outreach to seek CREW Chicago involvement should be directed to the CREW Administrator via email at
Can CREW Chicago members obtain CREW Chicago member lists to advertise outside events?
CREW Chicago holds its membership list in trust. As a result, CREW Chicago does not share member mailing or email addresses with any other organization or person. CREW members are not allowed to download email lists from the website and circulate them to others.
Social Media
What social media outlets does CREW Chicago use?
Social media platforms include Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
Can anyone post something on CREW Chicago’s social media?
Member interaction is encouraged on all social media platforms. If you post about a CREW Chicago event or a professional accomplishment, please tag CREW Chicago so that we can see it and repost/retweet/like or otherwise engage with your post.
How do I share news, photos, or other items with CREW Chicago on social media?
If you have something that you want posted directly by CREW Chicago for one of our events, please sent it to the Communications Chair and/or Co-chair. You can also post about it on your own social media and tag CREW Chicago so that we are notified and can repost/retweet/like or otherwise engage with your post.
How do I get an event added to the website?
An Event Information Form must be submitted which can be found on the Governance page here. All event dates must be preapproved by the Programs Committee prior to an Event Information Form being completed.
How do I get an article, event write-up, or photo added to the website?
Send to your Commination liaison or the Communications Chair and/or Co-chair.