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Nominating Committee

Committee Charge

The Nominating Committee is responsible for compiling the slate of President-Elect and new Board of Directors’ nominees for approval by the membership. Each summer the President petitions nominations for the coming year’s available Board positions and establishes the Nominating Committee.

The Nominating Committee consists of up to eleven (11) members, none of whom are standing for upcoming election. The Nominating Committee is composed of:

  • The current President of the Association (or the current President-Elect if the President is unable to serve),

  • One representative from each of the Association’s standing committees (CREW Network Liaison, Communications, Equity and Inclusion, Leadership and Professional Development, Membership, Member Services, Programs, Scholarship and Sponsorship)

  • One Past President of the Association (any one of whom must be a representative from the prior year’s Nominating Committee), and

  • One additional member, if needed, to ensure an odd number of voting members on the committee.

Each of the standing committees shall select its own representative and the current President of the Association shall select the Past President and any additional member, and confirm that there is a representative from the prior year’s Nominating Committee. All Full, Civic, and Legacy Members in good standing, as well as Affiliate and Associate Members who have been members in good standing for at least two (2) years, are eligible to serve on the Nomination Committee. For additional information, please review CREW Chicago Bylaws, Article V., Nominating Committee and Election of Board of Directors. [View By-Laws]

Serving on the Nominating Committee is an excellent way to increase your understanding of and involvement in CREW Chicago. Selecting the slate for the following year impacts the future of the chapter and is both a great responsibility and a rewarding experience.

Term of Service

The term of service runs from approximately July 15 through August 31. The time involved includes review of board candidate applications, participation in one kick off call and one 2-hour meeting. the meeting may be in person, virtual, or hybrid.

Determination of the Committee Members

Those expressing interest or recommended by other members will be considered by the Executive Committee. Potential committee members will be evaluated with a diverse, equitable, and inclusive lens considering race/ethnicity/nationality; sexual orientation/gender identity; religion; physical/mental ability; CRE industry experience and qualified field; and CREW Chicago and CREW Network service and participation. Nominations to the Board of Directors begin with a confidential application, in which members will state their intentions and select their desired leadership positions. A brief interview might be conducted with those members seeking a board director position.

Following the application submission deadline, the Nominating Committee assembles for a two-hour session for application review and discussion. Appointments are made that day and announced following a membership-wide survey and approval of the selected slate, conducted via email.

The typical timeline:

  • June/July – Nominations accepted.

  • July – Applications are completed by nominated candidates.

  • August – Nominating Committee convenes and determines the recommended slate.

  • September – Board slate submitted to membership for approval.  

Self-nominations are strongly encouraged.  Candidates for any Board position must be a Full or Civic Member. 

Please direct questions regarding serving on the Nominating Committee to the Immediate Past-President of CREW Chicago.